The Seventh Crow

Art by Fiona Messer



Beach Images

The first three images are from the Island of Spiekeroog, North Sea.

Much of the island is actually set aside as a wild life/ bird sanctuary and to help with the environment there, there are no fossil fuel cars just a few electric vehicles for emergency services, postal service and deliveries.

There is a whole series of images of the things that the water tossed up, feel free to contact me when you are interested.

Unlike Europe, in Newfoundland you never pay to visit a beach, and when people throw their garbage on them no one cleans it up, most of the time. This image has several meanings for me. It reminds me of how careless we are at taking care of where we live but at the same time it reminds me of home. The beer bottle cap is from a brand of beer called "Canadian" by the Molson Brewery and the name and in this case bottle cap design cleverly play on national pride. Canadians are not huge flag wavers while at home but no matter where in the world they end up, they tend to be fiercely proud of their home. I know that I am. Now, far away from Canada I see this image and I think not so much of the litter on the beach but more just of the beach itself.

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Fiona Messer
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